#1 Re: Apple TV » 2 mfi controllers pairing as player one and not player one and two » Mar 03 11:44 PM

The app detects the controllers, report the issue to the app developers.

#2 Re: Apple TV » Clarification - App Universal, iCloud Sync, etc. » Dec 13 11:07 AM

flintza wrote:

There's no requirement for games to offer saves that transport easily between devices.

And, unfortunately, no incentive for game devs to do so, nor to bundle the iOS and tvOS versions of the app together. The requirements for the touch screen based, not always connected, w/ huge local storage iPad, and the game-controller based, always connected, w/o local storage Apple TV are very different.

#3 Re: MFi Controllers » Stratus XL LS Glitches » Nov 16 6:53 AM

I can confirm the issue with the Stratus XL described by the OP. This is why I got the Nimbus, which is better although not completely "mechanical bug"-free.

#4 Re: MFi Controllers » Connecting MFi controllers to OS X » Nov 15 6:45 AM

One year ago, when I implemented MFi GC support in Necropolys Encounter for iOS and tvOS, I also did some tests on the Mac with the Stratus XL. The test code did not detect all API calls on the Mac. I don't remember if it was a button, a trigger/shoulder, or a thumbstick that was not detected. Haven't tried with the Nimbus and the most recent macOS. In Apple Stores in Canada they carry the SteelSeries Nimbus and the Horipad Ultimate, and they both have the Mac compatibility icon printed on the box.

#5 Apple TV » Necropolys Encounter for Apple TV - promo codes » Oct 23 7:26 AM

Replies: 4

Promo codes for Necropolys Encounter on tvOS full version (no-IAP) - use them now or lose them!


#6 iOS Games » Necropolys Encounter - promo codes » Oct 23 7:24 AM

Replies: 2

Promo codes for Necropolys Encounter on iOS full version (no-IAP) - use them now or lose them!


#7 MFi Controllers » Necropolys Encounter - Halloween WEEK 50% OFF » Oct 23 7:22 AM

Replies: 0

Necropolys Encounter for iPad/iPhone and Apple TV, with MFi GC support, is on sale 50% OFF this week! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/necropo … 79226?mt=8

#8 Re: Apple TV » Necropolys Encounter for Apple TV -- become a beta tester now! » Oct 03 12:02 PM

#9 Re: Apple TV » Necropolys Encounter for Apple TV -- become a beta tester now! » Jan 09 7:58 AM

Full (no-IAP) versions are now available on the App Store for iOS https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/necropo … 44248?mt=8 and tvOS https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/necropo … 79230?mt=8

Necropolys Encounter is also available on the Mac App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/necropo … 2389?mt=12

#10 Apple TV » Necropolys Encounter for Apple TV -- become a beta tester now! » Jan 03 1:56 PM

Replies: 5

Necropolys Encounter is now available with support for MFi controllers on tvOS and iOS