#1 iOS Games » GTA sa controls » Jun 27 3:27 PM

Replies: 0


#2 Site Feedback » Control forum » May 26 4:50 AM

Replies: 1

Hello. I think it would be a good idea to add a forum in which people can exchange Mfi controls for games (for example, a post for sonic might go something like: d-pad/left stick: move a-button: jump/ power roll.) Thank you! One of my biggest gripes with Mfi gaming is that controls are hard to come by ( unless the game is a console port) so I feel this would be a helpful thread.

#3 iOS Games » Controls » May 24 3:54 PM

Replies: 2

This site has a wonderful list of games, but where do I find the controls?

#4 Re: iOS Games » First Person Shooters » May 24 3:47 PM

Shadowgun deadline (or the original, if your willing to drop 5$) are both great shooters. To save you the trouble, dead zone is free multiplayer, and the original is payed single player. Both are Mfi compadable

#5 Re: MFi Controllers » C.T.R.L.i VS pxn speedy » May 24 1:26 PM

Thank you so much!

#6 Re: MFi Controllers » C.T.R.L.i VS pxn speedy » May 24 12:05 PM

Thank you! Just one question.  Does the speedy include an adaptor to plug the micro usb into a wall socket?

#7 MFi Controllers » C.T.R.L.i VS pxn speedy » May 24 5:03 AM

Replies: 7

Hello everyone! I'm looking for a controller to clip in my iPhone (5s) and have narrowed it down to the speedy and CTRLi. They both have good and bad elements, but which is best for a good mix of genres of games (a few side scrollers, many many shooters, some racing games, and a couple platformers) Please help.