#1 Re: MFi Controllers » Is there a way for an MFI accessory to be recognized in iOS games? » Sep 15 4:17 AM

and what about building an sdk that maps the keys to the games? It is possible?

#2 MFi Controllers » Is there a way for an MFI accessory to be recognized in iOS games? » Sep 14 9:37 AM

Replies: 3

Hi, i am building a form-fitting HID compliant controller that does not fulfill the MFI specifications in regard of the number of buttons it has. I want to know two things:

First of all: it would be recognized as an accesory in iOS?
second: If it is recognized as an accesory, it would be able to control an iOS game?

I have been through all the MFI documentation and its quite ambiguos about this particular case. I have also contacted Apple to look for info, but they are as dodgy as their documentation.

Any help would be welcomed