#1 Re: MFi Controllers » Mfi dropping after ios10 update. Anyone else? » Dec 06 4:56 PM

Reports are out saying that iOS 10.2 release is next week

#2 Re: MFi Controllers » Mfi dropping after ios10 update. Anyone else? » Dec 01 5:28 PM

I read that iOS 10.2 is a lock for December, so should be soon

#3 Re: MFi Controllers » Mfi dropping after ios10 update. Anyone else? » Nov 16 3:49 PM

Yeah - it's only because I'm so busy and have competing interests that this isn't a bigger issue for me. But someone who regularly turned to gaming on plane trips or daily transport would be pretty bummed about this.

#4 Re: MFi Controllers » Mfi dropping after ios10 update. Anyone else? » Nov 02 5:18 PM

Thanks for the update.  Sounds promising!

#5 Re: MFi Controllers » Mfi dropping after ios10 update. Anyone else? » Oct 27 6:57 PM

This is a public Twitter conversation. Have a look at @MadCatz feed.

#6 Re: MFi Controllers » Mfi dropping after ios10 update. Anyone else? » Oct 27 2:34 PM

Mad Catz responded that not all connectivity issues were fixed in 10.1. They say they are still working with Apple to figure this out.

#7 Re: MFi Controllers » Mfi dropping after ios10 update. Anyone else? » Oct 26 5:14 PM

I'm continuing to follow up with Mad Catz. I seem to have an ongoing conversation going with them and I get the feeling they don't know anything about the bluetooth connectivity fixes in iOS 10.1

#8 Re: MFi Controllers » Mfi dropping after ios10 update. Anyone else? » Oct 24 2:41 PM

Just awesome... Mad Catz say they haven't even had a response from Apple so they don't know if there will be a solution!

#9 Re: MFi Controllers » Mfi dropping after ios10 update. Anyone else? » Oct 20 11:29 PM

Mad Catz have tweeted just today that connectivity issues are a known issue with ios 10 - I've asked if they are actively involved in getting this fixed or what exactly their role is.

UPDATE: not giving too much away but they responded with "Most certainly.  We've reached out to Apple for a solution."

#10 Re: MFi Controllers » Mfi dropping after ios10 update. Anyone else? » Sep 30 12:37 AM


I registered just now to join in this discussion - Mad Catz Ctrli owner here with the same disconnect issues since ios 10.

First and foremost I'm glad to see that it's not just me with these issues - strength in numbers will hopefully see some fixes in the not too distant future.

In the meantime, what is the recommended action I should take to ensure this issue gets the attention it deserves? I see plenty of you have logged an issue with Apple - do I just search for ios 10 on apple's site?
