#1 Off-Topic Chat » Should scientist approach book writing company for his book? » Sep 18 5:31 AM

Replies: 4

A scientist who researches to advance knowledge in an area of natural science. The come with lots of experience and evidences from which they lead to a solution of basic necessity can be resolved. They thought of writing a book on their creations, experiences they did and the process of it. as they can’t write by themselves. He was told about book writing company (https://www.bookwritingguru.com/) who can write for him in a proper style and can get it done fast. Any suggestions on it?

#2 Off-Topic Chat » How do Wikipedia services work? » Sep 18 4:57 AM

Replies: 1

A growing number of well-known people want to use cutting-edge tools and strategies to increase brand awareness online to create a Wikipedia page for their brand. Not everyone is aware of the best Wikipedia page creation services (https://wikimastery.com) that can help you develop because of their busy schedules and lack of expertise. Have any ideas?

#3 Off-Topic Chat » Can I easily get book writer for hire? » Feb 21 8:49 AM

Replies: 6

An electrician who fixes switchboards, wraps wires, and assists with all things electric. He has worked as an electrician for 20 years, so he is familiar with a variety of wire-working methods. Because he can't write well, he thought about writing a book about how to become an electrician because you need to know basic theories, laws, circuitry, and more. A client of his recommended hiring a book writer because they can properly format your experiences. Who can assist me?