Gallery of Hands-On Pictures and Video of Hori’s MFi Game Controller

The most thorough look yet at Hori’s upcoming HORIPAD controller

It’s been two weeks since AfterPad first broke the story about Hori’s upcoming HORIPAD MFi game controller, originally revealed by Capcom as part of their Monster Hunter Portable coverage. In the time since then, very little information about this upcoming controller has been made available.

According to mfi4gamerz, Hori intends to reveal more information about the controller at E3, which is scheduled to occur between June 10th and June 12th.

We’ve managed to obtain some hands-on images and videos from a number of Japanese publications. Read on for the closest and most thorough look yet at this upcoming controller.

The bulk of the available pictures of this controller come from Japanese game site Meet-i, which was able to use the Hori controller at a preview event of Monster Hunter Portable 2ndG.

Visit the original Japanese article, and enjoy the images included in the article below.

Further images were made available as part of a Japanese hands-on preview from another site, Dengekionline.

We have one more image from another Japanese hands-on article by

Lastly, there is a hands-on video of Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G by Famitsu available on Youtube. The part with the Horipad controller starts 15 minutes in to the video.

We will continue to follow the development of this controller closely, and hope to get our own hands-on impressions as soon as possible.