Grand Theft Auto Vice City Updated for MFi Controller Support
The big updates just keep on coming; hot on the heels of another major controller support update, Rockstar’s all-time classic Grand Theft Auto: Vice City was just updated for full MFi controller support!
In many ways, I consider Vice City the peak of the entire Grand Theft Auto franchise. Future games were more serious in tone, more broad in scope, and more riddled with little “maintenance” features that required you to exercise, help computer controller characters, etc.
In contrast to those later games, Vice City is pure, unbridled sandbox fun. The plot is great, but this feels like the last GTA where you could completely ignore any story elements and just go crazy. And the radio stations… VCPR still cracks me up 10 years later.
If going on a rampage in 1980’s Miami sounds like fun, this is the best 5 bucks you’ll ever spend. Download it immediately.