New Release: SlotZ Racer – Zenos Special

Longtime iOS and Mac developer Strange Flavor just released a new, free entry in the SlotZ Racer series. This new game is free due to the fact it’s sponsored by Zenos, and features slot racers modeled on Zenos race cars.

Also new to the SlotZ Racer series: MFi controller support! In fact, this game was supposed to feature full 4-player local multiplayer with multiple MFi controllers, which would put it in very exclusive company.

Unfortunately, there’s currently a bug preventing multiple MFi controllers from working. A fix is coming soon, which is good, because this game is a lot of fun multiplayer.

Considering that this is a free download, there’s no reason not to give it a shot. It’s fun, and once the multi-controller bug is sorted out, it’ll be an easy recommendation for anyone looking for a good party game.