#1 Re: Apple TV » 4th Gen Apple TV Discussion » Jun 10 6:12 PM


Sadly WWDC has passed and the only thing I asked from Santa was a new Apple TV... :'(

Wake me up at the Fall 2015 keynote event!

#2 Re: Site Feedback » AfterPad 2.0 » Jun 10 6:08 PM


Bravo to the move to self-sustenance! Now fix the off-white/beige background and we'll be back in business!

#3 Re: Site Feedback » About the Site Feedback Section » May 05 1:00 PM


Kevin wrote:

First up on the list of things to fix: emoticons...

But pancakes... 😊 😊 😊

#4 Off-Topic Chat » The Future of Console Gaming » May 05 12:59 PM

Replies: 16

Given the rise of mobile gaming and the ability for newer phones and tablets to be able to AirPlay/Cast/mirror to big screen TVs, what do you guys think will be the fate of console gaming in future years?

Now that I have so many great titles on my iPhone and iPad, and little time to hammer out long sessions, I can't foresee myself buying another console ever again. I think 10 years down the line we'll all be carrying the world's best gaming systems in our pockets or at the very least have the devices to connect to gaming in the cloud (Like Moonlight, formally Limelight).

#5 Re: Site Feedback » About the Site Feedback Section » May 05 12:52 PM


Kudos Kevin for a great site. I've been a long time reader and check the site daily. It's become part of my daily routine.

Keep up the good work!

#6 Re: iOS Games » Games that NEED MFi Controller Support! » May 05 12:50 PM


Great list. I would nominate Worms 3 to this list. While the game has MFi support, after talking with the developer I have confirmed it only officially supports the Logitech PowerShell and MOGA Power Ace.

I have the SteelSeries Stratus XL and while it works, the game crashes when trying to change weapons or accessing inventory in game. As long as you don't change weapons and play with bazookas only, it'll work fine. Great game nonetheless. Highly recommended!

#7 Apple TV » 4th Gen Apple TV Discussion » May 05 12:45 PM

Replies: 31

So we're a month away from the anticipated annual WWDC. Lots of indicators are pointing to a new Apple TV announcement. Rumours currently suggest new-style remote and App Store as well as increased on-device storage. Of course we can expect improved specs as well.

Personally I hope they have a new design, something akin to Google's Chromecast or other HDMI sticks, and MFi controller support. Would be awesome to be able to download current MFi supported games onto the Apple TV and play on the big screen, saving on phone battery and potential AirPlay lag.

What are some of your dream features or design choices?

#8 Re: MFi Controllers » Reviewed: the SteelSeries Stratus XL » May 05 12:36 PM


Great review. I purchased one recently and fortunately have not experienced the sensitive trigger issues you mentioned. I believe others have expressed the same under the comments of the original blog post.

The design of this controller is amazing and genuinely feels "first party." Love it! One thing that gets me is that you need to purchase a stand for your iPhone. I purchased one online for $2, so it's not a major loss.