#1 MFi Controllers » MadCatz CTRLi calibration problem » Aug 18 11:07 AM

Replies: 4

I've got a calibration problem with my controller, checked with the vendor App. Even if I touch nothing the sticks and sometimes a trigger button gives a small (about value 2) value. In space marshals it causes switching back and forth from/to stealth mode.

Anyone got a similar problem?


#2 Re: MFi Controllers » Mad Catz C.T.R.L.i and game compatibility » May 15 5:09 AM

Update is live now and my CTRLi works great. Just have to connect after the game is started

#3 Re: iOS Games » Games that NEED MFi Controller Support! » May 12 1:03 AM

-LostWinds 1 & 2
-N.O.V.A. 3
-Giana Sisters
but I don't expect anything to happen in this direction...

#4 Re: MFi Controllers » Mad Catz C.T.R.L.i and game compatibility » May 11 2:28 PM

ChokingBlue wrote:

Devs said they sent out an update to fix support

Great News, Thx for sharing it.

#5 Re: MFi Controllers » Mad Catz C.T.R.L.i and game compatibility » May 10 12:11 AM

tried this with Space Marshals, didn't work...

For Penumbear I was mislead by this video which showed otherwise:
But that is no really big thing....

#6 MFi Controllers » Mad Catz C.T.R.L.i and game compatibility » May 09 2:38 PM

Replies: 9

Hi folks,
I've just got my Mad Catz C.T.R.L.i. and was very pleased/impressed at first playing Leo's Fortune with it. But after the first impression I got quite disappointed as my favorite game (and the reason for buying an external controller) Space Marshals does not recognize the controller. Next game which I've been enjoying lately is Penumbear (missing in the game list) and it does not recognize the controller, too.

I've read a lot about problems with iOS 8 (I'm running 8.3) and older (iOS 7) games, but at least Space Marshals shouldn't fall into this problem categories.

Has anybody experienced the same or has a clue for me?
