#1 Re: Off-Topic Chat » The Future of Console Gaming » May 27 11:35 AM
There are many games that fans are extremely loyal to, as long as console exclusive games stay console exclusive, consoles will be around.-a great example of this is the new super smash bros that was only on the wiiU and 3DS. I personally have seen my friends willing to spend the money either on the wiiU or more likely the 3DS(less $), because they wanted to play just one game. Even then, after some of them bought the 3ds they wanted to buy or get the wiiU as a present(Birthday, Holiday, etc), just so they could experience it like the previous games in the series.
#2 Off-Topic Chat » pictures of animals photoshopped to look like food » May 27 11:23 AM
- Unikorns
- Replies: 1
-Cat Croissant
-Pug Loaf
-Turtle Burger
Do any more exist?!?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!!?
#3 Re: iOS Games » Games that NEED MFi Controller Support! » May 27 11:17 AM
The Random Heroes series should really have MFi controller support-maybe it does, I don't know, but it doesn't work with the controller I bought
#4 Re: Jailbreaking » / iEmulators and MFi » May 27 11:09 AM
GBA4iOS(2.1) is up and running again on the new ios software and has been for a while. It's compatable with MFi controllers, I know it works with MAD CATZ MFi controller.