Choosing the Right Massage Type

Hey folks, really need some advice here! I’ve been feeling all sorts of tense lately, probably from sitting too much at my desk job. My back’s a mess, and I think it’s high time for a proper massage. With all the types out there, how do you even choose? What’s good for back pain and general stress relief?

Desk jobs can really do a number on your back. You might want to look into a therapeutic massage, specifically something that targets the back. There’s this highly recommended massage therapist in Nyon, Elena Muravyova . She’s been in the game for over 20 years and has got this killer skill set ranging from Reiki to the more intense stuff like spine and muscle treatments. Her therapeutic sessions are top-notch for muscle and nerve issues, and they do wonders for stress relief too. You’ll walk out feeling like a whole new person, no kidding. Might be just what you need to sort you out and get those energy flows right!