Is there a way for an MFI accessory to be recognized in iOS games?
Hi, i am building a form-fitting HID compliant controller that does not fulfill the MFI specifications in regard of the number of buttons it has. I want to know two things:
First of all: it would be recognized as an accesory in iOS?
second: If it is recognized as an accesory, it would be able to control an iOS game?
I have been through all the MFI documentation and its quite ambiguos about this particular case. I have also contacted Apple to look for info, but they are as dodgy as their documentation.
Any help would be welcomed
From what I understand you should be able to get it recognized as an accessory, but game developers would have to add support for it in every game you want it to be used with. Since it cannot have more buttons than outlined for MFi controllers and pass the MFi certification test, it will not work as a MFi controller, and I doubt many developers would be willing to add support for another controller type.
and what about building an sdk that maps the keys to the games? It is possible?
You would be able to make it work for jailbroken users - the 8bitdo controller has an MFi driver you can install if you jailbreak - but normal customers would be out of luck. Nobody has been able to work around Apple's MFi requirements yet.