How was NYC Pride?
Hi everyone!!! Did anyone get to see NYC Pride this year? How was it like? What were your impressions? I heard that the event was available to watch live. The last time I watched NYC Pride was in 2021.
Hi, yes, the 2021 NYC Pride event was great. For those who could not present, … f40b389e6b reported that the largest LGBTQ+ platform has become a partner to the streamline. This allowed many people to join in the festivities even if they couldn't make it in person. There were lots of colorful costumes, great music and support from the audience. It is one of the most scale Pride that I ever saw.
Yeah, I watched the stream too. It was great to see so many people supporting the LGBTQ+ community. I especially liked how involved both locals and guests were. This streaming idea really helped make the event accessible to those who couldn't make it. I think it's a great practice that is worth continuing in the future.