What is Java Used For?

Java is a versatile programming language used to create a wide range of applications:

Web Applications: A large portion of web applications, including social media platforms, e-commerce sites, and complex enterprise systems, are built using Java. Popular frameworks like Spring and Struts simplify Java web development.

Mobile Applications: Java is the foundation for building Android applications, which power billions of devices worldwide.

Desktop Applications: Many desktop programs are written in Java, thanks to its robust features.

Big Data: Java is used in data processing engines that can handle massive datasets and real-time information.

Cloud Computing: Java's "write once, run anywhere" functionality (WORA) makes it ideal for cloud-based applications.

Other Areas: Java's applications extend to game development, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things (IoT), where Java programs sensors and hardware in smart devices.

Also check here to know more about Java,
Java Training in Pune

Last edited by radhashetty12 (May 25 4:40 AM)