Why Can’t You Dive And Fly On The Same Day?

As tempting as it may be to explore both the underwater and aerial worlds on the same day, it is not recommended to dive and fly within 24 hours of each other due to the risk of decompression sickness, also known as "the bends."

Decompression sickness occurs when nitrogen gas that has been absorbed by the body during a dive forms bubbles as the pressure decreases during ascent. These bubbles can cause symptoms ranging from joint pain to paralysis or death if they block blood vessels or organs.

Flying, particularly in a pressurized cabin, can exacerbate the risk of decompression sickness because the pressure changes during ascent and descent can cause the bubbles to expand rapidly, leading to more severe symptoms.

It is generally recommended to wait at least 24 hours after diving before flying to allow the body to eliminate excess nitrogen and reduce the risk of decompression sickness. Some diving organizations recommend waiting longer for deeper or longer dives.

It is essential to prioritize safety when engaging in any activity, especially those involving potential risks. While diving and flying are both exciting and adventurous pursuits, it is crucial to follow established safety guidelines to minimize the risk of injury or illness.
https://diveitnow.com/why-cant-you-dive … -same-day/

Last edited by MattC43 (Mar 28 3:32 AM)