How to create 3D environments for games?

Hi everyone! I am just starting to learn how to create 3D environments for games. I have a lot of questions. How do I get started? What is the best place to start? I have heard that good modeling and texturing skills are important. What programs do you recommend for beginners? Are there any online courses or resources that can help me learn the basics? I would also like to know how to best organize my workflow. What mistakes should I avoid when starting out? Any advice would be appreciated. I hope I can create something interesting in the future!

Start by learning basic programs like Blender or Unity. They are free and have a lot of learning materials. I recommend taking a few courses on Udemy or Coursera. This will help you learn the basics quickly. As for the workflow, I recommend planning your projects well. Creating 3D environments takes a lot of time, so it is better to break the work into stages. Don't forget to pay attention to the details. You may also find this 3D design resource useful: . It contains a lot of information on creating a quality environment.