Games that NEED MFi Controller Support!

Minecraft PE
Wrestling revolution 3D

Minecraft PE needs controller support and I'm sure I read somewhere it's coming.
I will chuck in swordigo (excellent platformer)
Also Street fighter anyone?

Wulltug wrote:

Minecraft PE needs controller support and I'm sure I read somewhere it's coming.
I will chuck in swordigo (excellent platformer)
Also Street fighter anyone?

Minecraft PE, controller support is in the works, 😉
However the new build (v0.11.0 alpha) just released doesn't support them just yet, maybe the next update

Wulltug wrote:

Minecraft PE needs controller support and I'm sure I read somewhere it's coming.
I will chuck in swordigo (excellent platformer)
Also Street fighter anyone?

You probably read it here, I'm the one who broke that story 😜

Controller support is coming this fall, already confirmed.

Glu MMO RPG games:
Eternity Warriors 3
Eternity Warriors 4
Blood & Glory: Immortals

Gameloft MMO RPG games:
Dungeon Hunter5

Snail MMO RPG Games:
Taichi Panda

East Legend
Darkness Reborn

Last Lie(FPS Action Game)

Beast Quest(Action RPG)

Rumble Entertainment:

Spirit Lords(RPG)

Netmarble Games
MARVEL Future Fight(RPG)

Dark Hunter 3D(MutilPlayer FPS)

Chillingo Ltd:
Tiny Troopers2:Special Ops( TPS)

I test All of these games,But not support controller.

Last edited by liminany (Jun 04 8:28 AM)

Mortal kombat X

DanniielT wrote:

Mortal kombat X

YES! Any great fighting game, really. I'm shocked there aren't any good modern fighters with MFi support.

+1 to Sid Meier's Pirates (my white whale) and NBA Jam. Aside from those my big wish-lister is the new X-Com; one of these days I just know it's gonna get updated. EDIT: And of course five minutes after I post I remember Kero Blaster, which I would definitely love to play with both hard buttons and on the iPad.

Last edited by trdn89 (Aug 31 10:35 PM)

I'm surprised no one said it yet. SE updated pretty much every game in library except Chrono Trigger, one of the games that need controller support the most. Most of the final fantasies are perfectly playable without a controller (although all of them support it now).

However, secret of mana and chrono trigger with there more live action play both were pretty abysmal without a controller. SoM got a controller update some time back though. However, CT has been forgotten like a a red headed step child for some reason.

Last edited by MysticalOS (Sep 14 2:10 PM)

STREETFIGHTER 2 and all the versions of it..  This is the only reason I want a Horipad ultimate..  All other games are crap to me..  I don't believe more people aren't mentioning this legendary game. 

Come on capcom,  get on it.  Otherwise don't bother releasing games without mfi support.  U can do better than this.!!!!

STREETFIGHTER 2 and all the versions of it..  This is the only reason I want a Horipad ultimate..  All other games are crap to me..  I don't believe more people aren't mentioning this legendary game. 

Come on capcom,  get on it.  Otherwise don't bother releasing games without mfi support.  U can do better than this.!!!!

One of the games I mentioned finally got controller support!

Now Max Payne 2 needs to come to iOS. It was the best one!

Older ones, but I'd love bug heroes and bug heroes 2 to get it. Not a chance for the first one, but maybe number 2??

Jackaluk wrote:

Older ones, but I'd love bug heroes and bug heroes 2 to get it. Not a chance for the first one, but maybe number 2??

I thought for sure Bug Heroes 2 was going to get updated with controller support. Foursaken released an update that looked like it had experimental layouts for controls, but then was gone the next update and was never added 😢