What's the best way to plan family travel?

What's the best way to plan family travel?

Okay, so from my experience, the best way to plan family travel is to get everyone involved in the planning process! Let each family member pick an activity or two they really want to do. That way, everyone feels like they have a say and is more excited about the trip.

Morocco has always attracted me with its atmosphere, and now my family and I want to go there, but I don’t know where to start. What places in Morocco are worth visiting, which should be included in the route to feel all the beauty and diversity of the country? I will be glad to any advice!

Hi. I was lucky and visited Morocco several times, and each time I discovered something new. I visited several cities and the desert, but I understand that there is still so much I have not seen! Next time I want to explore the best places to visit in morocco in more detail and find places that are rarely talked about. This country is definitely worth repeat visits!

Last edited by Terry (Mar 03 6:06 AM)