Traps and Gemstones should be on the Best list


  I'm a developer working on porting my game to the new Apple TV.  I bought a Mad Catz controller for that purpose and last night was looking for some games to play with my phone.

One glaring omission from your "Best" list is Traps and Gemstones.  That is a game I already happened to have on my phone, and it is really great with the controller.  I actually want to play it now.  You might think about putting it on the list -- there aren't many games like it on there.

I don't have any connection to the makers of that game, I just think it is a great example of an iOS game being improved by controller support.

The fact that Traps and Gemstones isn't on that list makes me wonder if there are any other great games missing from it?  Anyone know any?  I'd like to play some twin-stick shooters.  I tried Devastator and it is OK but kind of boring IMO.



You're right, that one should probably be on the list. Part of the problem is that the list is very outdated, and I haven't done a particularly good job adding newer games to it. I'll go in later today and add some more 😉

If anyone has any other ideas for games that should be there, go ahead and post them!

I'm glad you have this website, it is a great resource for controller-based games.  And it seems like that will become a lot more important with the new Apple TV -- at least I hope so.