Developers can't require gamepad
Are you saying that only if you provide your own mfi controller hardware with the game, that you will not be required to make the game controllable solely with the Apple Remote? If so, that may work for Disney Infinity and Skylanders, but it probably will not work for anyone else!
No, i'm saying if Guitar Hero had been made under the restriction of a limited control system then it would never have become the game it is today.
Fact is with the gaming industry it's "Software" that sells "Hardware" maybe Apple don't know this.
EDIT: BTW been playing through Disney Infinity 3 on iPad with an MFi Controller, not sure how they are going to implement all the controls on the Remote as it makes use of ALL the MFi Controller inputs.
My only conclusions are:-
1: Dev's rework the controls for the tvOS version somehow.. (ie do a lot more work)
2: Make it so, with the Remote you can only play a few levels, before you need to buy into the StarterPack (same as what Activision do with Skylanders TrapTeam).
i'm opting for 2 , let's see how the ATV version turns out.
Last edited by MFiGamer (Oct 09 7:01 PM)