Updated: Metal Slug 3
The Metal Slug Series – Metal Slug 3, specifically, so far – has finally received it’s long-awaited update for MFi controller support!
These games have been on my shortlist since the day the program was announced. And with good reason – these are fast-paced, high tension shooters that require quick reflexes and delicate movements. If you don’t think any of this lends itself to touchscreen gaming, you’re right – The Metal Slug games are frustrating to play with touch.

Enter the game controllers. Developers SNK Playmore and porter Dotemu have partnered on several other App Store releases – Blazing Star, R-Type, R-Type II, the Double Dragon series, two different King of Fighters games – with that record, it was only a matter of time until Metal Slug got the update
Fans of arcade games and side-scrolling shooters, just trust me on this one. I dumped way more quarters than they’re asking for now into this game at various points in my life. This is a true classic of the genre, one of the best arcade games in the App Store, and an easy recommendation.