#1 Re: Site Feedback » Premium games » Sep 16 10:53 AM

The presence of Modern Combat 5 on the list made me install it 😊

anyway, I hope my feedback is valuable.

#2 Re: Apple TV » Developers can't require gamepad » Sep 16 5:50 AM

For me, there is a deeper problem: games created for remote likely won't be designed for longer periods of gaming. So, no Final Fantasy for example.

#3 iOS Games » Bioshock » Sep 16 5:49 AM

Replies: 3

Does anyone know if this game will return to AppStore?

#4 Apple TV » Developers can't require gamepad » Sep 15 2:25 PM

Replies: 16

As it turns out, Apple changed their minds and developers can't develop games with only gamepads in mind ( https://developer.apple.com/library/pre … 1-CH18-SW1 ). Anyone got any idea how a bigger game would be even possible to control via remote?

#5 Re: Site Feedback » Premium games » Sep 15 2:20 PM

Thanks for the reply.

Personally, I ask myself: is this a game? or is this a business model hidden in a shiny coat? AppStore looks much worse when you look at it like this.

I forgot about episodic games, but taking ideas from the past "premium" in my book is something that would be sold as a retails version or shareware version.

#6 Site Feedback » Premium games » Sep 15 5:46 AM

Replies: 5


Would it be a problem if you marked premium games on the list? There sure is a lot of them, but then I am old fashioned and can't accept those in-app purchases. I tried Modern Combat 5 and deleted if 15 minutes later, as there was first mention of those god damn coins.

What I consider premium game? It's a game where:

a) there are no additional purchases (think This War of Mine)
b) there is a single purchase for unlocking the full version (Valiant Hearts)