#1 Re: MFi Controllers » New iPad Gamevice » May 10 1:19 AM


Thanks Kevin, I'm glad it's not just me ... well, not really I guess, but I'm glad I'm not nuts! 😊. I completely forgot about the whole deadzone thing. If all MFi inputs are analog, then why would the GameVices D-Pad act differently than the HoriPad or Speedy? Don't they all use the same MFi driver when they link to the iOS device? I assumed they do, as you don't really ever have to install device drivers.

Hey Errol,

I have the new GameVice for the iPad Air. I also had (and returned) the GameVice for iPhone, as it suffered the same problems. Since Kevin seems to have the same issues I'm guessing we don't have defective devices, but I'll shoot support an email.


#2 Re: MFi Controllers » New iPad Gamevice » May 08 6:56 PM

I'll be interested to see if you have the same Ms. Pac Man issues. I'll download Game Control tester and see what it says, maybe I have a bum device. The PacMan games (all of them)seem to be the worst D-Pad offenders ... not sure if it's something with the input and how it's read versus other games. It could be my standard test apps just have a problem with the GameVice, though it happens in all versions (in 3 different apps) so that's a bit odd.

I've read all your reviews! ... that's why I own a HoriPad and a Speedy (and now a GameVice) 😉

#3 Re: MFi Controllers » New iPad Gamevice » May 08 12:44 AM

Originally I thought it was a combination of the stiffness and over sensitivity in all directions. It would mis-register just as much on horizontal actions as it did on vertical actions. However, I noticed that it varies from game to game.

The D-Pad worked perfectly for Lego LotR, and absolutely horrifically for Ms. PacMan from the App Store (as in, after playing a bit it would suddenly stop registering most up/down directions, and maybe 1 of 10 would work until I restarted the game). For Ms. PacMan using iMame4All and Provenance it's in between, but 1942 in both those apps works absolutely fine, which seems odd given they are using the same emulators - though I guess each game may have different input tuning. It's almost like it has a 'driver' issue, as it's performance just isn't consistent between games, whereas the HoriPad and Speedy are very consistent and work perfectly in all games I've tried.

What games have you tried the GameVice with so far? Do you have a standard test pattern that you run all the controllers through? If so do you have it posted some where?

I have the original HoriPad, and I agree that the Hori's seem to have the Best D-Pad - it's as good as my PS4 D-Pad, or any D-Pad I've ever used. I never feel like is mis-registers. The Speedy is just slightly below it for me, as it occasionally feels like I clearly pushed one direction, and it went another, but this doesn't happen often, and it's my default mobile controller (even though the HoriPad is better) because of the iPhone holder. I had hopes for the Nimbus, but given what you said about it's D-Pad in your review I haven't even tried it yet. The GameVice feels worse than my X-Box 360 controller ... significantly worse.

I did initially have similar cross-talk problems with the Speedy, but they were gone after 20-30 minute of play once the D-Pad loosened up. The GameVice is far worse the the Speedy ever was, even after 3 hours of play, and it doesn't really feel like it's getting any better, which really stinks because I love everything else about this controller. I'll keep playing with it to see if it will loosen up like you said the iPad Mini version did.


#4 Re: MFi Controllers » New iPad Gamevice » May 07 1:17 AM

Based on Kevin's review of the GameVice for iPad mini I've purchased the new GameVice for iPad. Like may in the forum I've been waiting for, and excited about, this controller for a very long time. It arrived today! I've also purchased/own the Original HoriPad and the Speedy, I had the GameVice for iPhone for a short time, and I use a PS4 remote for PC gaming, so those are what my comments below are comparing it to.

I played with the new GameVice for iPad for a solid hour and it was very comfortable, and my arms weren't tired. I feel like I could use it for several hours without issue. The width was very comfortable for me. It is lighter than I expected it to be, and it doesn't feel as solid as the HoriPad or Speedy, but I guess that's the trade off to make it comfortable to use.

The sticks and buttons feel good, and seem to work well. However, the D-Pad is another story. It feels good, but it's loud and the 'crosstalk' is absolutely horrific. I always use Ms. PacMan as my D-Pad test. On the HoriPad, Speedy and PS4 remote I have absolutely no issues clearing the first screen without losing a guy. It was very difficult for me to even clear the screen at all with the GameVice due to the crosstalk issue, as it was mis-registering probably 20-30% of the presses. This is the same problem I had with the GameVice for iPhone, and is why it got sent back. I found this pretty disappointing since Kevin has referred to the GameVice as one of the best 3 D-Pads, up there with the Original HoriPad and Speedy. I bought both of those devices based on his reviews, and I found those reviews to be spot-on. However, I haven't found the the D-Pads on the two GameVices I tried to be anywhere close to the quality of the Speedy and the HoriPad.

At this point I'm ready to send it back based on the poor D-Pad since I primarily play retro games. I'll be interested to see Kevin's review and if others have the same experience as me.

- spher0boom

#5 Site Feedback » Site Performance » May 07 12:48 AM

Replies: 2

Hi Kevin,

I love your site, but for some reason it has significant performance problems on Google Chrome (64-bit, Windows 7) for me. One page generally works. Two has a noticeable lag, and 3 freezes chrome entirely. IE works fine with any number of pages. I don't know if others see this, but I just thought I'd let you know.

Keep up the great work!