Clarification - App Universal, iCloud Sync, etc.
Please pardon my ignorance here. How will I know if a game I purchased for iPad will run directly on an Apple TV 4th generation or will a separate app need to be purchased? I was hoping a bunch of my current games would run directly on the device.
Also, wondering if productivity apps will become 'universal' for Apple TV as well; ex: text editors, server tools, etc.
And, will iCloud saves sync with Apple TV and devices?
Thank you for clarifying.
If you're on the Apple TV itself, launch the App Store and open the Purchased Apps tab. That should show you every game you own that works with the Apple TV - I have about a hundred myself.
If you AREN'T on the Apple TV, my site is the only way to do it. Search the Apple TV Catalog for the app you're looking for, and if the download link for the game is blue and has the "TV+" text, it'll work with Apple TV and iOS!
You can also see from an app's store page on your phone or tablet, there's an "Offers Apple TV App" line just below the app icon.
As for iCloud save support, there's really no easy way to tell that I've seen. There's no requirement for games to offer saves that transport easily between devices.
flintza wrote:
There's no requirement for games to offer saves that transport easily between devices.
And, unfortunately, no incentive for game devs to do so, nor to bundle the iOS and tvOS versions of the app together. The requirements for the touch screen based, not always connected, w/ huge local storage iPad, and the game-controller based, always connected, w/o local storage Apple TV are very different.
Last edited by Pegasone (Dec 13 11:17 AM)
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